Significance of Color Doppler Sonography Determining Scar Thickness of Lower Uterine Segment Scar during Late Trimester of Pregnancy in Trial of Vaginal Delivery 彩超检测妊娠晚期子宫下段瘢痕厚度对阴道试产的意义
Changes of matrix metalloproteinase-9 and effect of diazepam on its expression in uterine lower segment during delivery 分娩状态下子宫下段组织中基质金属蛋白酶9表达的变化及地西泮对其的影响
WGA-HRP was injected into different segment of the dorsomedial nucleus ( DM) of thalamus by means of microiontophoretical delivery in 19 rats to observe the afferent projections of DM. 将WGA-HRP微电泳导入19只大鼠的丘脑背内侧核(DM)的不同部位,观察其传入投射。
The eye ointment are commonly used in ocular surface, anterior segment lesions and eye surgery, it is mainly to maintenance a long time effective drug concentrations in the conjunctival sac, to reduce times of medication delivery frequency and drug wastage. 目的眼膏常用于眼表、眼前节病变和眼科手术后,优点是能维持结膜囊内长时间有效的药物浓度,减少用药次数,防治药物流失。